We observe the unique and comprehend the universal.

The heart of every piece lies in the emotional intelligence of our design process: a sensitive understanding of human behaviour at large, and a deeper study of your individual makeup. This enables us to construct an environment that is an extension of your being, one where you find yourself reflected in all that surrounds you. 

Our work is built on the foundation of balance.

As creators we seek balance in all we do. Balance between what already exists and what we want to bring into existence; between material, proportions and scale, putting primacy on function, but without compromising on form.

The ‘lightness of being’ permeates all our designs.

Balance is the resting point where things become weightless. It is the state when all that is superfluous has been shed and what remains is the distillate of the essential. It is with continuous improvement that we arrive at a point of simplicity, where its gravity is as compelling as its weightlessness.  


We look for playfulness in simplicity. 

To be in a perpetual state of discovery, seeing the same thing differently time and again. To find the playfulness of juxtaposing a traditional weave pattern on the purity of mid-century forms, or to design a sideboard that mimics a giant radio. It is, for us, the fun, self-assured state, nestled between seriousness and irreverence. 

At the heart of it all, we strive for sustainability.

Each piece is crafted using well-seasoned, reclaimed teakwood. This means the wood has lived a previous life probably as an old door, a ceiling rafter, a pillar, or a wise old bookshelf. Using reclaimed wood found us a way out of our dilemma, between our love for trees and that of ripe, rich wood. We are not apart from nature, and it is only through our symbiotic coexistence that we will achieve balance.